1. Initial Bandaging (Days 1-4):

1.1. If your tattoo is covered with Saniderm (Second Skin), leave it on for 3-4 days.

1.2. Expect fluid buildup beneath the bandage; leakage requires immediate bandage removal.

2. Bandage Removal (Day 3-4):

2.1. Gently remove Saniderm under warm running water.

2.2. Stretch the bandage from each side instead of peeling, ensuring minimal impact on the tattoo.

3. Cleaning the Tattoo

3.1. Use mild, fragrance-free soap or warm water to wash the tattoo.

3.2. By this stage, the tattoo is well into the healing process.

4. Moisturizing (After Bandage Removal)

4.1. Apply an unscented, non-greasy lotion (e.g., Hustle Butter, Lubriderm, or Aveeno unscented moisturizer).

4.2. Do not use Vaseline, as it hinders skin and tattoo breathing.

5. Fluid Buildup Note

5.1 It's normal to observe fluid buildup beneath the Saniderm bandage during the initial 3-4 days.

6. Caution with Leaks

6.1. If the bandage starts leaking, remove it promptly and follow standard aftercare instructions.

7. Gentle Removal Technique

7.1. When stretching the bandage, prevent disruption to the tattoo and ink by avoiding a peeling motion.

8. Healing Progress

8.1. By the time of bandage removal, the tattoo should be well into the healing process, facilitating a smoother aftercare routine.

9. Avoid Vaseline

9.1. Emphasize the avoidance of Vaseline due to its hindrance of skin and tattoo breathability.

10. Unscented Lotions

10.1. Recommend the use of specific unscented lotions known for their compatibility with tattoo healing.


1. Initial Bandage (2-3 hours)

 1.1. Leave the bandage on for 2-3 hours or as instructed by your artist.

2. Pre-Wash Preparation

2.1 Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before touching your new tattoo.

3. Gentle Cleaning Process

3.1. After removing the bandage, wash your tattoo with warm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap.

3.2. Gently use your fingertips to remove existing Vaseline, plasma, and excess ink. Avoid abrasive cleaning tools.

4. Drying

4.1 Rinse and pat dry with a disposable paper towel or allow it to air dry.

5. Daily Washing Routine (Twice a Day)

5.1 Wash the tattoo in the morning and night until completely healed.

5.2. Avoid over-washing; regular showering is acceptable.

5.3. Do not submerge the tattoo for an extended period until fully healed (no baths or swimming).

6. Handling Dryness and Flaking

6.1. Over the next few days, expect the tattoo to become flaky, dry, and tight.

6.2. Apply fragrance-free, non-greasy lotion sparingly 1-2 times a day.

6.3. Rub the lotion in until fully absorbed; avoid over-moisturizing.

7. Dealing with Scabbing

7.1. If a scab forms, it will match the ink color. This does not indicate ink loss; leave scabs to fall off naturally.

7.2. Do not pick or scratch the area.

8. Temporary Appearance Changes

 8.1. The tattoo may seem dull until fully healed; this is normal and will improve after a few weeks.

 8.2. Opt for loose-fitting clothing over the tattooed area during the healing process.


  • Follow the provided aftercare steps diligently for optimal healing.

  • Any scabbing or dullness is part of the normal healing process.

  • If unsure or experiencing issues, consult your artist for guidance.


  • Mild, dye-free, fragrance-free soaps such as Dial, and Aveeno.


  • Non-greasy, dye-free, fragrance-free, moisturizing lotions such as Hustle Butter, Cetaphil, Lubriderm, Aveeno, Tattoo Goo, and After Inked.


  • Do not use anything on the tattoo other than what is previously recommended.

  • Do not pick, peel, or scratch your new tattoo.

  • Do not under any circumstance use rubbing alcohol, peroxide, or cortisone on your new tattoo.

  • Do not use sponges, washcloths, or anything abrasive while cleaning your tattoo. They harbor bacteria and may irritate or harm your tattoo.

  • Do not let anyone touch your new tattoo.

  • Do not go in a lake, tub, pool, etc. These all contain bacteria.

  • Do not expose your new tattoo to direct sunlight. This includes tanning beds. A high SPF sunscreen will protect the crispness/longevity of your tattoo in the future.

Remember to keep your tattoo out of the sun for the first few weeks of healing. When the tattoo is completely healed apply a good SPF sunscreen on the tattoo to prevent fading.


Enjoy your new tattoo! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email Adorned Gallery at Share your new tattoo on instagram and tag us to potentially be featured on our account! Thanks for sharing.